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Лоли, но не та. Пикантные и провокационные коллажи Юджинии Лоли

11 апреля 2016


Юджиния Лоли — одна из самых востребованных и модных художников-коллажистов. В мире. Ее работы в Vogue, Vanity Fair, Wired и на обложках альбомов самых модных групп. Последняя, наверное, White Denim. Коллажи Юджинии намеренно винтажны и очень изящны, в них много откровенной сексуальности и скрытых цитат.

При этом сама Юджиния нисколько не напоминает свои работы. Если бы вы встретили ее на улице, в жизни бы ни о чем не догадались [фото Юджинии Лоли в самом конце материала]. Да и коллажами она занимается не так давно. Юджиния или, по нашему, Евгния, родом из Греции. Жила в Германии, сейчас работает в Калифорнии. Сама про себя она говорит, что «я — плохая медсестра, в основном, хороший журналист по технологиям, программист и изготовитель фильмов [filmmaker]». Решила заняться коллажами в 2012 году, чтобы использовать знания и умения полученные при создании анимированного музыкального видео. И быстро преуспела. Сейчас ее работы можно увидеть в десятках ведущих журналов всего мира.

Полную информацию о творчестве Юджинии Лоли можно найти здесь



Inappropriate Business Offer


Minute Two


This artwork is about the journey humanity must take towards ascending into a higher state of being. The structure represents all that we can comprehend while in our human form. It's also what keeps us within boundaries, limiting our existence. The bottom level is about developing, learning, and trying out various routes. In the process, and among progress, there's also war and misery (as evident by the fire in the background). The cube in the field is the teaser of the ultimate prize, placed in by the people on the top level (the "Ascended"). The second level is about expanding our horizons further, making the leap towards an enlightened state . Notice the woman in black, ready to make the leap. The man in the staircase, calls her, trying to keep her back, but it's too late. She has superceded him. The man also signifies the various forces that will try to keep humanity back on its journey. Notice that the observable universe is also within the boundaries of the structure. Two humans are attempting to reach the third level. One is climbing the old fashioned way, and the other one is using (transhuman) technology to get there -- both choices are acceptable. At the end of their journey, they won't be "humans" anymore anyway. Notice the trophy award in the middle of the third level, right below the angels painting. These two people think that this is the ultimate prize. But that's just a trap. The third level is the most difficult level towards reaching ascendance, because humans will have to leave behind all their vices, delusions, and personal limitations. Most never manage to do that. Notice the human skull, hidden by the flying spaghetti monster-like flower. At the very top, the Ascended people are waiting for more people to make it to the top. In the whole artwork, they are the only people depicted outside of the structure, able to see the bigger picture. They're beyond time and space. Notice the planet above their heands, alluding that there may be more le


Printable up to 6"x8" Credits: FDEComite: https://www.flickr.com/photos/fdecomite/2983833911/ (Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0)


Printable up to 6"x8"
Lucy and DiMiTri


Printable up to 6"x8". Credits: Classic Film: https://www.flickr.com/photos/29069717@N02/
Printable up to 6"x8".


One of the 50 Nereid nymphs of the Greek mythology, and Achilles' mother. Part 2/2 of the Nereids series. Credits (image licensed under the Creative Commons "Attribution" 3.0): NASA: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimkster/832581974/in/photostream/


Credits (image licensed under the Creative Commons "Attribution" 3.0): Ethan: http://www.flickr.com/photos/42353480@N02/3911235743/ NASA & Jim Keller: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimkster/832581974 Jay: http://www.flickr.com/photos/89649959@N00/5275093636/ Vintage ad: http://hicventerhicsalta.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/i-dream-of-jeanie-with-the-light-brown-weighted-hair.jpg


Part 1/2 of the Nereids series. Credits (image licensed under the Creative Commons "Attribution" 3.0): NASA: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimkster/832581974/in/photostream/




Credits (images licensed under the Creative Commons "Attribution" 3.0): Col Ford and Natasha de Vere: http://www.flickr.com/photos/col_and_tasha/6040763207/ Boston Public Library: http://www.flickr.com/photos/boston_public_library/4837779310/ Boston Public Library: http://www.flickr.com/photos/boston_public_library/4837167359/ NASA: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gsfc/4398656367/ Girl is from vintage magazine.


Printable up to 12"x18"



Printable up to 6"x8"


Printable up to 6"x8".

Credits (image licensed under the Creative Commons "Attribution" 3.0): PsyberArtist: http://www.flickr.com/photos/psyberartist/3483489839/ Girl is from vintage magazine

Most pictures by SwellMap: http://www.flickr.com/photos/94207108@N02/ One picture by PieShopCollections: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hollywoodplace/

Printable up to 12"x18"

Printable up to 18"x27"


Printable up to 18"x12" Credits: SwellMap: https://www.flickr.com/photos/94207108@N02/ ESO: http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso0819a/

Printable up to 6"x8"

Printable up to 12"x18"

Images by Pie Shops Collection: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hollywoodplace/

Printable up to 6"x8". Credits: Coconv: https://www.flickr.com/photos/coconv/ File Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/craptoy/ ESO: http://www.eso.org/public/archives/images/wallpaper4/eso0840a.jpg

Printable up to 6"x8"

Printable up to 6"x9".

Printable up to 6"x8".

Powerful Incentives on Uneven Terrain

Printable up to 8"x8"

Printable up to 6"x8"

Printable up to 6"x9".

Printable up to 12"x16"

Printable up to 8"x8".

Printable up to 8"x6".

Heart of Illuminati

Printable up to 6"x8".

Printable up to 18"x12"

Printable up to 6"x8"

Printable up to 18"x18"

Printable up to 7"x10".

Printable up to 6"x8"

Printable up to 6"x8

Reflection on Contemplation



Stockholm Syndrome






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